Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity invited young adult women to a Eucharistic Discernment Day at San Xavier Mission, Tucson, Arizona. Here are some comments from the participants.

What touched your heart during this discernment day?

  • What touched me the most was when we talked about the Eucharist as God’s physical touch How it can be embodied so many ways, not only in the Eucharist but as a hug and as the Word of God.
  • Getting to truly see how beautiful simplicity in Christ is, was amazing.
  • Mass was my favorite it was very intimate and it felt very nice.
  • Being able to connect with the Sisters to see their choice of becoming a Sister and their dedication to do God’s work.
  • Hearing all of the Sisters’ stories about their journey into Sisterhood. It was very beautiful being invited into their home and their stories were insightful.
  • The Mass, the adoration, and the talks I had with each Sister. Also meeting these incredible young women. The Mass touched my heart because in the first reading was a verse that was very special in my conversion and my relationship with God So for me, that was Jesus telling me that He is with me.

What part of the day did you find the most helpful?

  • Being able to talk with the Sisters one-on-one was helpful because I never knew much about their lives as Sisters.
  • Being able to be on with God while praying in the chapel.
  • I enjoyed visiting with all the Sisters after lunch.
  • Dedicating time to the Eucharist through adoration and Mass in a more intimate setting with no expectations.
  • I enjoyed talking time and talking to all the Sisters and hearing their stories how God talks to them.
  • The great lunch, the talks with the Sisters and adoration.

If you are interested in connecting with our Sisters in the Tucson, Phoenix or Yuma area, please text or call Sister Julie Ann at 920-323-9632 or email at We can here to walk with you and Jesus in own journey of discernment.