The pandemic continues to cause some adjustments in regularly scheduled events. One such need for change affected one of our Sisters serving in Yuma, Arizona. Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity Sister Mary Teresa Bettag renewed her vows as a Temporary Professed Sister at Immaculate Conception Parish, Yuma, Arizona. Typically, her vows would have been renewed at the Motherhouse.
Father Manuel Fragoso, Pastor of Immaculate Conception parish, was the presider. Father added his own precious touch to the day. The pen he wanted Sister Mary Teresa to use to sign her Vow card is the pen from his ordination that he uses only for very special occasions. It certainly added an awe to this moment.
Local Director Sister Mary Beth Kornely witnessed the commitment in the name of Community Director Sister Natalie Binversie. Sister Alexandra Bettinardi, Sister Ann Mary Hart, Sister Hannah Johnecheck and Sister Lorita Gaffney represented the congregation at this significant time of celebration.
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